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  • Nominee servicesDatum04.01.2024 15:15
    Thema von germanybusiness im Forum Tour

    Nominee services are usually provided by an intermediary in order to hide the beneficial owner’s business. Nominee services are related to nominee shareholder and nominee director. In the regular situation the nominee services should also involve a post box service (office address for correspondence purposes). Nominee services are suitable for large corporate structures for tax planning purposes and frequently involve international element. For instance, the ultimate beneficiary is based in other country rather than the company itself.

    Nominee shareholder services are usually carried out basing on declaration of trust, whereas the nominee declares that he holds shares on behalf of other person and he is not entitled to make decisions in the company, to neither vote at a meeting of shareholders, nor receive dividends, unless specifically instructed by the client. The nominee has no rights to sell shares unless required by the client. However, the client and nominee may agree on specific duties that the nominee should carry out. Such duties are often assigned to lawyers and attorneys at law that are professionals in the field and may protect the client`s interest.

    Nominee director also called 'shadow director', who usually appears only for official records, whereas the company is virtually governed by the client by power of attorney. On the basis of authorization the client may open a bank account and acquire full company management and control.

    Advantages of nominee services
    The advantages of using nominee services appear in cases when a businessperson wants to keep his privacy and decreases the visibility into official records or does not want his name to be associated with the concerned company. Moreover, there can be a situation, when a person has restrictions to exercise the planned activity or when the law requires a local management, for example, a local secretary in Hong Kong.

    project discussion involving four parties
    When a quick action is necessary to register a company abroad, in case the client cannot travel, it is often more convenient to temporarily appoint a local company manager. If the intention is to open a company in overseas jurisdiction, such as BVI, Belize, Hong Kong, it might be physically complicated to arrive in person.

    Nominee services usually guarantee confidentiality and anonymity. However, a disclosure sometimes happen at bank or in investigation authorities during court proceedings.

    The nominee services are widely used for tax planning and asset protection purposes. If ultimate beneficiary of completely corporate structure is based in low tax countries, he should enjoy the benefits of low tax system for the received dividends from the earned profits.

    Other advantage derives from the registration country and is often referred to financial statements and reports. In some tax haven jurisdictions there is no need for submitting the annual, therefore, low auditing and bookkeeping requirements that provide certain advantages, if the person is willing to increase privacy and confidentiality and hide his/her assets.

  • Infrastructure of SwedenDatum12.02.2023 08:23
    Thema von germanybusiness im Forum Tour

    The logistics performance index of Sweden is 3.96. It indicates good performance - the logistics system is well prepared and organized, shipments mostly arrive on time and are not damaged, and the infrastructure is ready to handle even unpredictably large volumes of traffic as long as they are not overwhelming.

    Customs performance is rated at 3.75. This indicates good performance - customs clearance is fast and effective, in some cases it may not exist at all (e.g. at the borders of the Schengen area), which encourages international business activity; The required documents and fees are predictable and publicly available and in some cases (mainly related to visas) can be arranged at the customs office.

    The infrastructure quality in Sweden is rated at 4.09. It indicates good quality - roads, railways, ports and other facilities are adapted and regularly maintained to handle high levels of traffic at all times, and most likely there are special facilities to deal with high-intensity and/or special traffic or vehicles ( e.g. highways a.k.a. freeways and deep-water ports).

    International shipping quality is 3.76. This indicates good performance - the prices and quality of international shipping services are quite good, attracting foreign customers as the first choice for international transfers.

    The competence of logistics service providers is rated at 3.98. The providers are very competent – they always ensure high quality of shipments and traffic management, work quickly and reliably; Any errors that may occur are readily compensated.

    Tracking options for shipments are rated at 3.97. This indicates good performance – the tracking systems provide detailed and up-to-date information about most shipment parameters, often crossing national barriers (both political and linguistic) and can be qualified as international tracking systems.

    Tracking options are rated 4.26. This indicates good performance - shipments almost always arrive within scheduled time frames and often faster than expected.

    In Sweden, 100% of the population has access to electricity. Sweden has 231 airports nationwide. There are 5,978,000 internet hosts in Sweden. The number of road motor vehicles per 1000 inhabitants in Sweden is 573.

    Road network
    The total length of roads in Sweden is 579,564 km (360,201 miles). Of these, 2,050 km (1,274 miles) of roads are classified as freeways, dual carriageways, or freeways.

    Gas price
    On average, a liter of petrol costs USD 1.82 in Sweden. A liter of diesel would cost $1.42.

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